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Self-employed opportunities 

When looking for a self-employed position, there are many options available but you need to really ask yourself, "why" and "what", particularly if you're taking the step for the first time. If however, you are already self-employed, then it is simply a question of "what".

Why - do I want to go self-employed.

What - do I want to achieve, what does success look like.

By focussing on your ultimate goal will help you make a decision on the right choice for your first or next step.   

Which self-employed position 

What is your long-term goal? This question should feature strongly in considerations for your first step. 
​The options available for self-employed positions are vast, but remember, as a CAS adviser your are a commodity, so think hard about what you really want.

​You may need leads, which is fine, but the person who generates the leads is master, they control the leads so they control you. If you work to become self-sufficient and generate your own leads, then you are master of your own future. 

​You may wish to find a place which will nurture you and help grow your business, enabling you to become your own true boss or perhaps have your own multi-adviser business.

Whether its leads, nurturing, autonomy or a financial reason, think hard and be careful with your choice... there's no such thing as a free lunch. Keep your ultimate goal in mind, some doors won't lead you there.

​Whatever it is, Network Consulting can help you.

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